Instagram: la red social con la mayor interacción para promover los destinos turísticos ecuatorianos

The importance and income generated by the tourism industry, the importance of cities being marketed as tourist destinations through good planning of their brand communication, taking advantage of new communication technologies, with messages that convey identity of the localities, transferring value and emotion to the thousands of followers that brands have in the impactful world of social networks, are some of the reasons that have motivated this study to be conducted in order to assess the reaction they get from brand communication spread through the social networks Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, five Ecuadorian cities that work as tourist destinations. To measure the results, we used the PRGS model (Presence, Response, Generation and Suggestion), plus we measured the level of engagement each city has in the aforementioned social networks.  To gather the information, we used the Fanpage Karma and Twitomony tools. Among the obtained results figure that Instagram is presented as the ideal social network to get more answers and therefore better engagement among their followers; and, that brands with more followers should improve their communication to obtain a greater volume of reactions.
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