Review of Recovery Efficiency for Modified Free-fall Grab

Deep-sea Resources Research Center (DRRC) has been using a free-fall grab (FFG) for the resource evaluation of polymetallic nodules in the KODOS (Korea Deep Ocean Study) area, NE Pacific, since 1992. A FFG model (Model 4200, Benthos) adapting one glass buoy system (diameter 17 inch, net buoyance 25.4 kg) has been used until 1993. Since then, DRRC has carried out a study to increase the recovery rate of FFG and it was found that a revised system adapting an additional buoy (diameter 10 inch, net buoyance 4.5 kg) gives improved results. The nodule sampling tests were performed using two different models for the same study area and the resulting recovery rates were compared. The result shows no distinct difference in recovery time between two models, but average recovery rate of the revised model was increased to 99.44% from 96.06% of the original model.
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