Asymmetric Anchoring Is Required for Efficient Ω-Loop Opening and Closing in Cytosolic Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase

Mobile Ω-loops play essential roles in the function of many enzymes. Here we investigated the importance of a residue lying outside of the mobile Ω-loop element in the catalytic function of an H477R variant of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase using crystallographic, kinetic, and computational analysis. The crystallographic data suggest that the efficient transition of the Ω-loop to the closed conformation requires stabilization of the N-terminus of the loop through contacts between R461 and E588. In contrast, the C-terminal end of the Ω-loop undergoes changing interactions with the enzyme body through contacts between H477 at the C-terminus of the loop and E591 located on the enzyme body. Potential of mean force calculations demonstrated that altering the anchoring of the C-terminus of the Ω-loop via the H477R substitution results in the destabilization of the closed state of the Ω-loop by 3.4 kcal mol–1. The kinetic parameters for the enzyme were altered in an asymmetric fashion with the predo...
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