Objectives: to assess the frequency of occurrence of the anxiety-depressive spectrum in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Methods: A survey was conducted of 44 patients aged from 21 to 57 years (average age - 42.3 ± 6.7 years), who were treated at GAUZ KO OKGVV. All patients had a verified diagnosis of RA and AS according to the ACR criteria and received treatment with basic drugs. The control group consisted of 40 people comparable in age and sex, without concomitant pathology of RA and AS. The depression screening card, the subjective well-being scale, and the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) were used to assess and detect anxiety-depressive syndrome. The assessment of the condition is carried out over the last 2 weeks, which corresponds to the temporary diagnostic criterion for depression. The Depression Screening Scale is a 35-item self-questionnaire that assesses 7 categories of signs: sleep and appetite disorders, anxiety, emotional instability, cognitive impairment, loss of self, guilt, and suicidal tendencies. A total score of 65 and above indicates a high likelihood of depression. The Subjective Well-Being Scale is a psychodiagnostic screening tool for measuring the emotional component of subjective well-being or emotional comfort. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Zigmond A.S., Snaith R.P. was developed for the primary detection of depression and anxiety in a general medical practice. The HADS scale consists of 14 statements with 4 possible answers and includes two parts: anxiety and depression. The sum of points of 8 or more is regarded as “subclinically expressed anxiety / depression”, 11 or more points - “clinically expressed anxiety / depression”. Results: According to the results of the depression screening questionnaire, 34 (77.3%) patients with RA and AS showed signs of depression, while in the control group only 6 (15%) patients tested positive for the presence of depressive disorders. According to the data obtained when assessing the scale of well-being in the main group, 26 (59.1%) patients showed signs of emotional discomfort (the indicator was 80% or more), in the control group - in 6 (15%). Using the hospital scale of anxiety and depression HADS, anxiety-depressive syndrome was detected in 36 (81.8%) patients with RA and AS: 16 (44.4%) patients had anxiety, 20 (55.6%) - depression, of them, subclinically expressed anxiety and depression were observed in 10 (27.7%) and 12 (33.3%) people, respectively. Anxiety-depressive syndrome in the control group, according to the HADS questionnaire, was detected only in 8 (20%) patients, of whom 4 (10%) patients had subclinical anxiety and 4 (10%) had signs of depression. No clinically pronounced anxiety and depression were registered in the control group. Conclusion: In most patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, anxiety-depressive disorders have been identified, which can directly affect both the course of the disease itself and the development of various complications. Timely diagnosis of mental disorders and close cooperation of rheumatologists, psychiatrists and psychologists in the selection of adequate therapy can improve the course and prognosis of the disease. Disclosure of Interests: None declared
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