Comparison of NMC model calculated longwave flux with satellite (ERBE and AVHRR) observation

Abstract The U.S. Air Force Real Time Nephanalysis (RT NEPH) is incorporated into the NMC Medium Range Forecast Model (MRF) to explore the impact of cloudiness on the model's radiation parameterization. After transfering to MRF model coordinate, RT NEPH is in qualitative agreement with ERBE Scene ID. The zero-hour “forecast” of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) of 00GMT Nov. 9, 1984 is compared with that derived from NOAA AVHRR observation and the preliminary ERBE result. The comparison shows that the greater difference in OLR are from cloudy sky regions, in spite of qualitative agreement on the structures. The result suggests that for proper simulation of OLR, a refinement of the model cloud parameterization or nephanalysis on the prescribed data would be more effective than on radiative transfer scheme.
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