Multiple Inhibitory G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Resist Acute Desensitization in the Presynaptic But Not Postsynaptic Compartments of Neurons

Acute desensitization is a common property of Gi/o-coupled receptors. Recent data, however, suggest that, unlike μ-opioid receptors (MORs) located somatodendritically in neurons or expressed in heterologous systems, MORs in the presynaptic compartment of neurons are resistant to acute desensitization. It is not yet clear whether this differential desensitization is a shared property of many Gi/o-coupled receptors nor whether receptors located presynaptically and postsynaptically in a single cell type display differential desensitization. Here, whole-cell recordings were made from proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in mouse brain slices. Agonists for μ-opioid, nociceptin, and GABAB receptors induced postsynaptic currents that desensitized within minutes, whereas inhibition of presynaptic transmitter release mediated by these receptors was maintained throughout agonist exposure. Expression of channelrhodopsin2 in POMC neurons allowed for light-evoked transmitter release from POMC neuron terminals, which was detected by recording postsynaptic currents in downstream neurons. Light-evoked currents were inhibited throughout the application of all agonists tested. Thus, the same receptors that desensitize when expressed in the postsynaptic compartment of POMC neurons resist desensitization when located in the presynaptic compartment. Pharmacologic knockdown of MORs revealed that depletion of receptor reserve does not account for presynaptic resistance to desensitization. In ∼25% of recordings with GABAB agonist application, presynaptic GABAB receptors desensitized, suggesting that resistance to desensitization is not due to an intrinsic property of the terminals themselves. Together, the results indicate that a variety of presynaptic receptors can continue to function after their postsynaptic counterparts desensitize and suggest that a compartment-specific modification may confer resistance to desensitization.
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