Hospitalidade e Marketing: Orientação Para o Mercado e Desempenho de Hotéis no Destino Turístico Costa Verde e Mar (SC) / Hospitality and Marketing: Marketing Orientation and Performance of the Hotels in the Tourist Destination Costa Verde e Mar (SC)

O presente estudo teve o proposito de analisar a relacao entre o nivel de orientacao para o mercado [ market orientation ] e o desempenho dos hoteis compreendidos no destino turistico Costa Verde e Mar, em Santa Catarina, segundo a perspectiva interna e das avaliacoes dos clientes por meio de Online Travel Reviews [OTR]. A populacao investigada compreendeu os hoteis presentes na regiao que possuiam pelo menos 50 avaliacoes na respectiva OTR. O filtro levou a identificacao de 96 hoteis, dos quais se obteve a resposta de 62 participantes. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a escala Markor de Orientacao Para o Mercado, proposto por Kohli, Jaworski e Kumar (1993), incluindo-se ainda variaveis de mensuracao de desempenho na hotelaria, assim como a avaliacao final atribuida pelos hospedes realizada por meio da OTR. Foi encontrado correlacao entre o nivel de orientacao para o mercado e desempenho organizacional, tal como entre o nivel de OPM e a media das notas registradas na OTR. Estes resultados demonstraram que, de maneira linear, positiva e moderada, os hoteis que obtiveram melhor avaliacao na OTR, assim como os que obtiveram melhores indices de desempenho organizacional, foram os que possuiam os maiores niveis de orientacao para o mercado, segundo o modelo proposto. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Turismo. Hotelaria. Orientacao para o Mercado. Online Travel Reviews. Costa Verde e Mar, Santa Catarina, Brasil. ABSTRACT The study purposes to analyze the relationship between the market orientation level and the performance of the hotels in the Costa Verde e Mar [Santa Catarina, Brazil] tourist destination, according to the internal perspective and customer ratings through an Online Travel Reviews [OTR]. The investigated population comprised the hotels present in the region that had at least 50 evaluations in respective OTR. The filter led to the identification of 96 hotels, from which was obtained 62 responses. The Markor Market Guidance Scale proposed by Kohli, Jaworski and Kumar (1993) was used to collect data, including performance measurement variables in hotel industry, as well as the final evaluation attributed by the guests performed through Of OTR. Correlations were found between the level of market orientation and organizational performance, such as between the level of OPM and the average of the scores recorded in the OTR. Results indicate that in a linear positive and moderate manner, hotels with best evaluation in the OTR, as well as those with the best organizational performance indexes, were those with the highest levels of market orientation, according to proposed model. KEYWORDS Tourism. Hospitality. Market Orientation. Online Travel Reviews. Costa Verde e Mar, Santa Catarina, Brazil. AUTORES Leonardo Garcia – Mestrando, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Turismo e Hotelaria, Universidade do Vale do Itajai, Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brasil. 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