Rule of Law. Its Assumptions and Exigencies (Statul de drept. Presupozitiile si exigentele sale)

English Abstract: Conference "Social Development, Administrative and Justice", organized at the University "Constantin Brancusi" of Targu-Jiu, during 14 to 16 November 2014, had topic of debate "Rule of Law. Presuppositions and its demands". In this volume are found articles have proposed goals of research who fall in law. Rule of Law reflect independent of the two social phenomena: the state and the need for obedience, the right ordering and braking. The articles presented in this volume discusses topics such as: Norms and values, Globalization and its effects, Administrative systems, Crisis of modernity and its impact in legal sciences, electoral offenses, protection of dignity, constitutional principles, the social impact of migration. Romanian Abstract: Conferinta "Dezvoltare Sociala, Adminsitratie si Justitie", organizata la Universitatea "Constantin Brancusi" din Targu-Jiu, in perioada 14-16 noiembrie 2014, a avut ca tema de dezbatere "Statul de Drept. Presupozitiile si exigentele sale". In volumul de fata se regasesc articole care si-au propus atingerea unor obiecte de cercetare care se incadreaza in domeniul dreptului. Statul de drept reflecta independent dintre cele doua fenomene sociale: statul si nevoia de supunere, dreptul de ordonare si franare. Articolele prezente in acest volum dezbate teme precum: Norme si valori, Globalizarea si efectele sale, Sisteme administrative, Criza modernitatii si impactul sau in stiintele juridice, infractiuni electorale, protectia demnitatii, principii constitutionale, impactul social al migratiei.
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