Діяльнісний підхід (Learning by Doing Approach) як джерело мовленнєвих стимулів для розвитку комунікативних умінь студентів на заняттях із розмовної практики.

In the article the problem of psychological and educational characteristics of the learning by doing approach on the basis of the analysis of scientific sources and practical aspects of implementation in the class for speaking practice of the students of higher education is characterized. It is stated that such strategic line promotes the formation of the students’ learning by doing competence by mastering their learning strategies, which determine their speech activity and social – communicative behavior. It is aimed to accomplish educational tasks and solve interconnected life problems. It is proved that the learning by doing approach with its didactic features serves as a mutually beneficial source of facilitating the development of speech stimuli and communicative skills of the students.
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