Diurnal Variation in Maximum Endurance and Maximum Strength Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Introduction Diurnal variations in physical performance can affect athletes' success in competitive sports depending on whether the time of peak performance concurs with the time of competition. The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the diurnal variation in maximum endurance and strength performance. Methods The databases PubMed, EMBASE, and Web-of-Science were searched from inception to November 2020. The search string was externally reviewed according to PRESS guidelines, the review was conducted in accordance to PRISMA guidelines, and registered beforehand on PROSPERO. Eligibility criteria were that [1] the studies included humans, [2] any kind of maximum endurance or maximum strength test was performed at [3] a minimum of three different times of the day. There were no restrictions regarding study design, participants' sex, age or fitness levels. Results From 10,460 screened articles 63 articles met all three inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis on the harmonizable 29 studies provided evidence for diurnal variations in physical performance. In detail, the overall effect sizes (95% confidence intervals) were 0.23 (0.05; 0.40), 0.73 (0.37; 1.09), 0.39 (0.18; 0.60), and 0.79 (0.28, 1.30) for endurance exercise tests, maximum power output in Wingate-test, handgrip strength, and jump height all in favor of higher performance in the evening. The overall risk of bias in individual studies was moderately high. Conclusions There is strong evidence that anaerobic power as well as jump height are maximal between 13:00 and 19:00. There is some evidence that handgrip strength peaks between 13:00 and 21:00, but only little evidence that there is a time of peak performance in maximum endurance.
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