Smart Intelligent Tracking System for School Students Using GSM and GPS

This project aims at illustrating the advantages of the tracking systems that are used and developing the designing of the tracking system devices of following up the children in order to face this phenomenon to fir huge number of children with different contexts, traditions and financial possibilities. The new method helps in following up the kidnapped child for long time as the used system is connected with the parents via sending messages to their mobile phones when the child changes the defined location as it defines the location more accurately. The implement of School Children Monitoring System via rf transmitter & receiver will help to overcome and reduce worried among parents. This project is combination the latest technology using ZIGBEE transmitter & receiver, SMS system. When the student enters the school bus, they must pass the tag that given to the ZIGBEE receiver antenna, and the ZIGBEE receiver reader will read the student ID. Then, information about the student such as time in and time out from school will be recorded to system and the SMS system automatically sends to their parent’s mobile to inform that the children arrived at school safely. Keyword: Transmitter, Receiver SMS, ZIGBEE
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