Bland kulturvetare, småpåvar och heliga kor: En kvalitativ fallstudie om organisatoriska värderingars dynamik och tvetydighet

Title: Among Cultural Know-it-alls, Micro-popes and Sacred cows: A Qualitative Case Study of the Dynamics and Ambiguity of Organizational Values Seminar date: 2017-06-01 Course: FEKH49, Bachelor Degree Project in Organization Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Jimmy Bjorklund, Andreas Jansson and Adrian Schmidt Advisor: Devrim Goktepe-Hulten Keywords: Organizational Values, Organizational Culture, Cultural Know-it-alls, Interpretative Prerogative, Micro-popes Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of organizational values. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative research strategy, with an interpretative and social-constructive perspective as a meta-theoretical standpoint. The collection of empirical material was conducted through semi-structured interviews, and the research process was characterized by an abductive working method. Theoretical perspectives: The study is based on theory within the research field of organizational values. Empirical foundation: The case company is a multi-national values-based organization with approximate 160.000 employees worldwide. Its brand includes a broad number of enterprises and different functions: from sales and distribution, to production and purchase. The empirical material is comprised of seven interviews in total, divided between one IT-manager, two knowledge management specialists and one former HR-manager at one of the organizations local sites in Sweden. The context which the interviewees are part of is characterized of knowledge-intensive work. Conclusions: The concepts of “cultural know-it-alls” and “interpretative prerogative” were coined in the light of the descriptions of the “fat and happy” experts on organizational culture and values (i.e. cultural know-it-alls) who felt they had more rights than others in interpreting how these should be understood and practiced (i.e. “interpretative prerogative”) in what we perceive can be understood as an informal values vacuum.
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