Intrusión marina en el sistema de cuevas Toix-Moraig: procesos físicos

A similar case as the well known Sea Katavothres phenomenon on Kephallinia island, Grece, has been found in the Costa Blanca, Spain, but with greater magnitude (Cortes et al., 1996). A continuos stream of salty water flows inland at the geographic point of Toix. This water, then, flows along caves of Benissa depression aquifer system mixing with the existing fresh water, giving as result the generation of a groundwater circulation which finally reappears 20 km up north, at the called emergence of Moraig (Benitachell, Alicante). During a period of 18 months, starting at the begining of August 1998 until the end of January 2000, current meters (RCM from Aanderaa Instruments) with various sensors had been installed at both locations. They recorded continuous time series of different parameters (temperature, conductivity, pressure, as well as flow velocity and direction) at 30 minutes intervals. In addition, hydrogreologic study were performed. At Toix, the mean inflow was estimated to be 440 l/s (recharge of about 19.58 Hm3) for the whole period of measurement. Three discharge events were registered for short periods of time (about 6-7 days). During these events, mean outflows of respectively, 743, 413 and 633 l/s, with maximum higher of 1000 l/s were recorded. Through the emergence of Moraig, the mean discharge outflow was estimated to be about 44.20 hm3 with a maximum as high as 1500 l/s for the whole period of measurement. Recharge situations were registered with a great dependence on the outflow itself. Its mean volume is about 85 l/s (i.e. 3.97 hm3). The present work shows results of an ideal physical model which could explain the observation.
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