Current-Driven Dynamics of Frustrated Skyrmions in a Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Bilayer

We report the current-driven dynamics of frustrated skyrmions in an antiferromagnetically exchange coupled bilayer system, where the bilayer skyrmion consists of two monolayer skyrmions with opposite skyrmion numbers $Q$. We show that the in-plane current-driven bilayer skyrmion moves in a straight path, while the out-of-plane current-driven bilayer skyrmion moves in a circular path. It is found that the in-plane current-driven mobility of a bilayer skyrmion is much better than the monolayer one at a large ratio of $\beta/\alpha$, where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ denote the damping parameter and non-adiabatic spin transfer torque strength, respectively. Besides, the out-of-plane current-driven mobility of a bilayer skyrmion is much better than the monolayer one when $\alpha$ is small. We also reveal that one bilayer skyrmion (consisting of monolayer skyrmions with $Q=\pm 2$) can be separated to two bilayer skyrmions (consisting of monolayer skyrmions with $Q=\pm 1$) driven by an out-of-plane current. Our results may be useful for designing skyrmionic devices based on frustrated multilayer magnets.
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