Rövid élettartamú elemorganikus vegyületek elméleti és spektroszkópiai vizsgálata = Theoretical and Spectroscopical Study of Short lived Organometallic Compounds

Kutatasi programunk harom fő temateruletet foglalt magaban. Ezek a kovetkezők: 1.Főcsoportbeli elemeket tartalmazo ill ezekkel az elemekkel szubsztitualt gyűrűk szerkezetenek, fluxionalitasanak es aromaticitasanak vizsgalata. 2.N=S=N-S fragmentumokat tartalmazo vegyuletek szerkezetvizsgalata. 3.Alacsony koordinacios szamu foszfororganikus vegyuletek reaktivitasanak vizsgalata. A kozos e temakban az, hogy erősen reaktiv, instabilis anyagokrol van szo. Munkank egyik celja eppen annak a kerdesnek a megvizsgalasa volt, hogy hogyan lehet e szarmazekokat stabilissa tenni. Munkankat kulfoldi kutatocsoportokkal kozosen vegeztuk. A kulfoldi csoportok fő feladata a vegyuletek előallitasa volt. Eredmenyeinket 24 kozlemenyben publikaltuk, ezek osszesitett impakt indexe 66,88, atlagos impakt indexe 2,79. | Three main project points were investigated in the recent research project: 1.The structure, fluxionality and aromaticity of ring structures included and substituted with main group elements, 2.Structural study of compounds containing N=S=N-S fragments and 3.Reactivity of low-coordinater organophosphorus compounds. These compounds are highly reactive, short lived derivatives. The common aim of this project was to study the question of stabilizability. During the project we collaborated with foreign research groups. The main task of these groups was the synthesis. The results were published in 24 publications. The sum of the impact index is 66.88, the average impact index is 2.79.
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