Use of monoclonal antibodies for classifying Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae.

The serological typing (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) of 119 isolates of Actinobacillus ( Haemophilus ) pleuropneumoniae (representing in varying numbers the 12 serovars of this taxon) by monoclonal antibodies derived from the reference strains of serovars 1 to 5 in general correlated reasonably with the serotype previously established for these strains by conventional procedures employing polyclonal antisera. However, where there were reasonable numbers of isolates representing a given serovar to provide a decision, there was no instance where the correlation between the monoclonal and the polyclonal antibody was in complete accord. In addition, some of the differences between monoclonal and polyclonal antibody binding with some isolates suggest that the distribution of the serotype-specific antigens within the taxon may be even more complex than has previously been supposed.
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