A városi tipizálás, a gazdasági növekedés és a járműipar főbb összefüggései Kelet-Közép-Európában Main correlation of the city structures, economic growth and automotive industry in Central and Eastern Europe

Today see we the renewal of urban researches: cities, where spatial processes are rather concentrated, became focal points of both regional and national economic development and competitiveness. Based on this statement the goal of our paper is complex. On the one hand we intend to present the special territorial inequalities of the Central and Eastern European region, which can be still characterized as "in transition", as well as cities and urban areas. As a further goal we identified links between different types of urbanized areas, automotive centers and economic growth. Convergence analysis has proved it clearly that automotive centers' cities do contribute to regional economic and regional dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe. Kulcsszavak: gazdasagi novekedes, teruleti egyenlőtlensegek, varosok, agglomeracio, autoipar
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