La Llei d’ús i ensenyament del valencià i la configuració del sistema educatiu plurilingüe valencià

catalaEn aquest article volem fer una aproximacio historica al desplegament de l’educacio plurilingue al Pais Valencia. En una primera part revisarem alguns fets que ens semblen significatius per explicar la situacio del sistema educatiu valencia en relacio a l’ensenyament de la llengua abans de l’aprovacio de la Llei d’us i ensenyament del valencia (LUEV). En la segona part, descriurem el desplegament del sistema educatiu valencia a partir de l’aprovacio de la LUEV per analitzar com ha anat configurant-se un sistema inicialment bilingue i, posteriorment plurilingue, i identificar les fortaleses i debilitats dels diferents programes educatius que s’han aplicat en el marc de la LUEV. EnglishIn this article we want to make a historical approach to the development of multilingual education in the Valencian Community. In the first part we will review some facts that seem significant to explain the situation of the Valencian educational system in relation to the teaching of the language before the approval of the Law of use and education of Valencian (LUEV). In the second part, we will describe the deployment of the Valencian educational system from the approval of the LUEV to analyse how an initially bilingual and, subsequently multilingual, system has been configured and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the different educational programs that have been have applied within the framework of the LUEV.
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