Field adjustable precision sand screen

The present invention is a completion sand control screens used in the oil sand oil field a field adjustable accuracy, mainly composed of five parts. Central tube, on which the through hole is opened helical distribution, mainly from the oil and support the entire screen effect; sand fixed precision gear, acting primarily as sand; sand adjustable stop precision, accuracy can be adjusted in the adjusting mechanism precision gear change sand, sand play a major role; outer protective sheath, the internal structure of the main screen and the protective role of the internal fluid and reduce the erosion of sand; sand retention precision fine adjustment structure, mainly from the adjustment precision adjustable stops sand sand retention accuracy of the active layer. Compared with the conventional fixed stop sand sand control screen accuracy, precision adjustable sand control screen according to the present invention may be designed to achieve real-time and accuracy of the adjustment for the sand retention characteristics of individual well-site, to improve the effect of sand; screen manufacturer to facilitate mass sand production accuracy and precise control block; Preparation and screen to facilitate the supply unit designed to provide sand, sand control screen integrated services.
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