Análise crítica do discurso multimodal de representações das mulheres em anúncios de cerveja:: multiletramentos em sala de aula

This article aims to reflect on the reading of genre ‘advertisement’ in the classroom, from a critical perspective, and to highlight the potential of working with texts that reflect ideological positions underscoring complex social issues. To this end, we stress the relevance of working with this genre supported by important official documents (BRASIL, 1998, 2006, 2018). Additionally, we refer to studies in Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2015 [1989], 2001; MEURER, 2005) to discuss issues involving discourses and ideologies that permeate the texts analyzed, and also use concepts and categories of analysis of the grammar of the visual design (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006), translated in a more didactic way to Portuguese by Nascimento, Bezerra and Heberle (2011) with a view to the development of multiliteracy practices in the school context, to guide the analysis of the multimodal resources that make up the ads analyzed, from which we discuss reconfigurations of representations of women in beer ads. General results indicate that, despite advances in gender representations in the ads analyzed, other more intersectional issues (AKOTIRENE, 2019; COLLINS; BILGE, 2016), such as race, ethnicity, class and sexuality are completely neglected, pointing to the urgency of this problematization also in the school context.
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