Analisis Perilaku Berjudi pada Remaja di Desa Mensere Kecamatan Tebas Kabupaten Sambas

This research aims to know the factors cause the behavior of adolescents gamble on in the village of Mensere sub-district of Sambas Regency Tebas like environmental factors and adolescent family factors of the adolescents In addition to knowing the impact of the behaviour of the gamble on youth, in particular the negative impact of gambling behavior. Form of research used in this study was qualitative research with descriptive research method. The data-collecting techniques used the techniques of observation, interview. Data collecting tool is a guide observation, interview guidelines and documents of the village. The results of this research are the cause of juvenile conduct gamble due to family factors and the lack of interaction between children and parents and lack of supervision by parents further environmental factors that also cause adolescent conduct gambling because of environmental factors for teens every day. Impact behaviour i.e., adolescents gamble on the negative impact of the behaviour of gamble on teenagers may damage the economic family because there is no money to play gambling the teen then asked for money to her parents and can cause conflicts when the teenagers who had a bad habit in addition often ask for money to his parents lead to conflict in the family.
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