Aislamiento de candida albicans en la cavidad oral en los niños en edad escolar de la zona urbana del municipio de Chaguaní – Cundinamarca y variables asociadas a sintomatología

Thrush is considered one of the most common infec­ tions in the oral cavity, which is attributed to Candida albicans in most cases in children and usually patients are asymptomatic. OBJECTIVE: To identify the possible variables asso­ ciated with the corresponding oral candidiasis presen­ ted in school and preschool age symptoms.METHODS: 99 samples of children in pre­school chil­ dren whose parents were included and nodded school voluntarily participate by signing an informed consent and filling out an epidemiological survey, isolation and biochemical characterization was done using planting techniques OGY Agar, microculture cornmeal agar for the formation of chlamydospores production technique in human serum germ tube test and urea. For the assess­ ment of sensitivity and / or resistance, impregnated ten types of commercial mouthwashes were used in sensi­ discs. Finally the statistical analysis using the program in which SPSSv2.0 possible associations with the va­ riables evaluated was calculated took place. RESULTS: showed a prevalence of 67.7% (67/99) for Candida albicans, of which 38.8% (26/67) and 43.2% (29/67) corresponded to male and female respectively, whose ages They ranged from zero to twelve. The sen­ sitivity and resistance to the washes was evaluated 50% respectively. The variable that is identified with pos­ sible association with symptoms, was sore gums, P = 0.005. Other conditions of the oral cavity such as dental caries, can be related to the presence of Candida albi­cans.
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