Diversification of heart progenitor cells by EGF signaling and differential modulation of ETS protein activity

Organs contain many different kinds of cells, each specialised to perform a particular role. The fruit fly heart, for example, has two types of muscle cells: generic heart muscle cells and ostial heart muscle cells. The generic cells contract to force blood around the body, whilst the ostial cells form openings that allow blood to enter the heart. Though both types of cells carry the same genetic information, each uses a different combination of active genes to perform their role. During development, the cells must decide whether to become generic or ostial. They obtain signals from other cells in and near the developing heart, and respond by turning genes on or off. The response uses proteins called transcription factors, which bind to regulatory portions of specific genes. The sequence of signals and transcription factors that control the fate of developing heart muscle cells was not known. So Schwarz et al. examined the process using a technique called a mutagenesis screen. This involved triggering random genetic mutations and looking for flies with defects in their heart muscle cells. Matching the defects to the mutations revealed genes responsible for heart development. Schwarz et al. found that for cells to develop into generic heart muscle cells, a signal called epidermal growth factor (EGF) switches on a transcription factor called Pointed in the cells. Pointed then turns on another transcription factor that switches off the genes for ostial cells. Conversely, ostial heart muscle cells develop when a protein called ‘ETS-domain lacking’ (Edl) interferes with Pointed, allowing the ostial genes to remain on. The balance between Pointed and Edl controls which type of heart cell each cell will become. Many cells in other tissues in fruit flies also produce the Pointed and Edl proteins and respond to EGF signals. This means that this system may help to decide the fate of cells in other organs. The EGF signaling system is also present in other animals, including humans. Future work could reveal whether the same molecular decision making happens in our own hearts.
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