Multi-purpose plot machine modules: More flexibility and lower costs - The Flexiseeder Approach

Multi-purpose equipment for field experiments needs to include modern technology, be affordable and meet tough requirements on interchangeability, accuracy, reliability and maintenance. It must plant zero tillage, reduced tillage and cultivated ground with equal application to accommodate the change over from historical cultivation. Required levels of technology vary for different countries and applications. By developing, assembling / combining working modules, plot machines can be tailored to meet these new demands, at lower prices than otherwise possible. The module approach is useful for most machine operations in field experiments. The paper introduces and discusses standardization issues for developing these modules, for example free space requirements and interfaces between working modules. Examples of modules are given based on the design and development of two new multi-purpose (Machines equally suited to zero (eco) tillage, reduced tillage and conventional cultivation). “Flexiseeder” plot drill prototypes. If the use of working modules can be increased, production costs can be lowered because of module re-use in different field operations, the use of standard machine components and the local manufacturing of some modules / module components.
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