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A crise pandémica a vários ritmos

18 months after the start of the global pandemic, sparks of hope can be glimpsed thanks to the discovery of the vaccine and the vaccination process, both conducted in record time, in the most developed countries; at the same time, the horizon is obscured by shadows that constitute the world's iniquity in access to inoculation. And even in the most developed countries, especially at the individual level, there are signs of concern such as the eventually excessive and disproportionate measures to combat the pandemic, perhaps accompanied by feelings of resignation in relation to the various prohibitions and interference in the right to private and family life which, overall, puts a great test to the western democratic and liberal tradition. It is important to conduct a bioethical reflection, characterized by the rigor of information, by a reinforced respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and by the fulfillment of the principles and values ​​enshrined in the UNESCO Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Bioethics, with a view to contributing for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
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