A középmagyar kor történeti mondattana = Historical Syntax of Middle Hungarian

A kozepmagyar kor torteneti mondattana az omagyar kori szintaxis folytatasakent keszul (a palyazat lejartaval meg nem fejeződik be). Az eredeti koncepcio szerinti cel egy kozepmagyar kori (1526?1772) szinkron metszet letrehozasa, az egyes nyelvi jelensegeket strukturalis es funkcionalis oldalrol is vizsgalva. A munkakozosseg reszeket keszitett el a palyazati szakaszban a kozepmagyar kor leirasabol: a mondatfajtakrol, a mondatszerkezetről, a szorendről es aktualis tagolasrol, az igei es nevszoi csoportrol, az osszetett mondatokrol. Az omagyar korral valo osszehasonlithatosag lehetőseget adott a ket korszak kozotti nyelvi valtozasok regisztralasara is, ezekről kulonfele konferenciaelőadasokon szamoltak be a projektum tagjai. A palyazati időszak vegen megjelentettunk egy tanulmanykotetet ?Tanulmanyok a kozepmagyar kor mondattana koreből? cimmel. | The research on Middle Hungarian syntax is a continuation of the studies published in the reference volumes on the syntax of Old Hungarian. However, with the ending of the current research project, this work is not yet concluded. The original aim of the project was to publish a descriptive account of the Hungarian language in the period between 1526-1772. The intention was to provide a structural as well as a functional analysis of all discussed linguistic phenomena. Eventually, the topics that received a detailed analysis are the following: sentence types, sentence structure, word order and the functional sentence perspective, the verb phrase, the nominal phrase, and complex sentences. Historical changes in the language were registered in comparison with the Old Hungarian period, and the results were presented at several conferences. As a summary of the research results, the volume 'Essays on the syntax of Middle Hungarian' was published in 2008.
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