The Icelandic Dyslexia Error Corpus (IceDEC) Version 1.0

Islenska lesblinduvillumalheildin er safn texta a nutimaislensku sem hafa verið skrifaðir af einstaklingum sem greindir hafa verið með dyslexiu. Villur hafa verið merktar, t.d. hvað varðar stafsetningu, malfraeði og fleira. Hver villa i textanum er flokkuð með hjalp villukoða, en 253 villukoðar eru notaðir i malheildinni. Malheildin samanstendur af 15 textum með 2.227 flokkuðum villutilvikum. The Icelandic Dyslexia Error Corpus (IceDEC) is a collection of texts in modern Icelandic, written by people who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. They have been annotated for mistakes related to spelling, grammar, and other issues. Each mistake is marked according to error type using an error code, of which there are 253. The corpus consists of 15 files with 2,227 categorized error instances.
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