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When it Rains it Pours

The Texas AgriLife Extension Service Rainwater Harvesting Task Force empowers Master Gardeners with education and information for their local clientele. The purpose of these courses is to provide advanced training whereby Texas Master Gardeners can obtain specialized knowledge in rainwater harvesting (RWH) that support or expand designated educational programs of Texas AgriLife Extension. This training was created as an intensive multi-day, hands-on course to provide Master Gardeners with knowledge and skills required to communicate rainwater harvesting information to others in their community. Completion of the course and other requirements results in recognition as a Master Gardener 'Rainwater Harvesting Specialist'. These programs have been carried out across the state of Texas. Texas Master Gardeners have a goal of placing a RWH demonstration site in every county in Texas. Evaluation of these trainings shows significant change in behavior. Since 30-50 percent of total water in many communities is used for landscaping irrigation, RWH catchments can reduce demand on water supply. RWH decreases water run-off, erosion, and potential contamination of surface water. The presentation will highlight efforts of the Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association and their use of a Dow Chemical Company Community Grant to build, implement, and teach local residents how to collect and use captured rainwater.
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