Analysis of the elite sports men's life quality in different sports branches.

It is thought that quality of life which means a person's physical and mental healthiness in appearance, wellness for him/her, his/her happiness and enjoy his/her life by doing his/her jobs as freely, can be affected by being a international. For this reason, searchment was carried out for the purpose of searching the life quality of internationals who take course at Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Physical Education and Sport Academy. Study's environment involves students whose branches are different at 1, 2, 3 and 4class at Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Physical Education and Sport Academy. At the end we reach all 29 internationals. The average of the participants age 21.79+- 1.93. It was determined that 51.7 percent of sportive are internationals in wrestle, 3.4 percent of them in cycle, 10.3 percent of them in box, 10.3 of them in taekwondo, 6.9 percent of them in field hockey, 6.9 percent of them in athleticism, 6.9 percent of them in judo and 3.4 percent of them in gymnastic branches. The average of year’s participants' being an internationals is 5.62+-2.11. It was determined that there is a significant relationship between internationals' branches and quality of life functional condition subordinate area social function (p<0.05). It was determined that being male of internationals has a significant relationship between life quality and social area (p<0.05). It was determined that there is a significant relationship between students' spending time for themselves in residual time after sport and life quality, social and environmental areas (p<0.05). For internationals males' soundness grade is higher. Sex has no effect on perceived social support. The person who lives in county has more family support. Global life qualities were not affected by the place where people live. As a result of our searchment, being an international has bad effects on physical, psychology, social and environment areas which are subordinate area of quality of life. Therefore being an Internationale should not affect the students and the time which they spend for near surroundings people.
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