Shoulder Moments and Angles During Single and Combined Manual Material Handling Tasks.

Shoulder musculoskeletal disorders due to manual material handling tasks are common workplace injuries. Here we investigated the difference in shoulder biomechanics (moments and angles) between a single task of removing a box from a shelf (or depositing a box on a shelf) and the equivalent part of a combined task that consisted of removing, carrying and depositing boxes; i.e., a single removing [depositing] task was compared with the removing [depositing] part of a combined task. We found that the peak and cumulative shoulder moments were larger during the single-task paradigm than during the equivalent part of the combined task by 26.3% and 25.5%, respectively. The two paradigms also differed in terms of shoulder angles. It is likely that the main contributors to this overestimation were differences between the single and combined tasks in terms of the lever arm (i.e., horizontal distance), the shoulder angle, and the task duration. Practitioners' summary: We investigates shoulder moments during single and combined manual material handling tasks. Shoulder moments were found to be smaller during combined tasks. Practitioners should consider that analyzing combined tasks using estimations based on single tasks could result in overestimation of 26.3% and 25.5% in peak and cumulative shoulder moments, respectively.
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