Probing Charge Transport in Manganite Film through Switching Parameters

Abstract We have investigated the bipolar resistive switching of Y0.95Ca0.05MnO3 (YCMO) thin film on Si substrate using pulsed laser deposition. Simulation of Mn L3,2 near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure has been executed by CTM4XAS to corroborate the presence of a mixed-valence state of Mn ions and oxygen vacancies. The charge transport in the film is described by the space charge limited mechanism. Murgatroyd and space charge limited mechanism relations are used to calculate the mobility and other switching parameters at high resistance state. With a decrease in the switching layer (near to positively biased electrode) thickness, better resistive switching was observed. This work indicates that the localized switching thickness and temperature strongly affect the resistive switching of the YCMO film.
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