SDMEC: Software Defined System for Mobile Edge Computing

Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) promises a paradigm shift in enabling efficient Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) services by providing storage and processing capacity within the access range of the mobile devices. In MEC, Mobile Edge (ME) servers are placed at the edge of the mobile networks eliminating the need to offload compute-/storage-intensive tasks of the mobile devices to the core of the network (the centralized cloud data center). This reduces the network latency and enhances the quality of service provided for the mobile end users. Different applications can benefit from the large scale deployments of ME servers such as smart grid applications, content delivery networks, content sharing, traffic management, and E-health applications. This promising paradigm comes with its own downside related to the management complexity of large scale deployments that offers hundreds of applications to millions of users. In this paper, we introduce a software defined based framework to enable efficient MCC services through the integration of different software defined system components with the MEC system.
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