The role of iron in well being and educational performance among medical Saudi Arabians female students

The current study aims to explore the differences in Academic Achievement and Psychological Well Being and its components – Satisfaction, Sociability, and Mental Health in the low and moderate level of hemoglobin of INAYA medical College female students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It also attempts to find out how hemoglobin, Psychological well –being and academic achievement correlate to each other. In order to assess iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, the fresh capillary whole blood from fingertip was collected from 100 random female students at INAYA medical College female section excluding those already on iron supplementation for iron-deficiency anemia and were analyzed by Easy-Life Hemoglobin Test Strips. Psychological Well-Being Scale was used to collect the data. Students’ academic achievement was collected through the main college system record. The data were stored and analyzed using statistical software (Graph pad prism version 7) by analyzing means one way ANOVA test. The results were considered statistically significant when p ≤ 0.05. The results of the study revealed significant differences between low hemoglobin and moderate hemoglobin groups regarding to well-being measurements as satisfaction, sociability and mental health collectively. It is also found that there is a significant difference between low hemoglobin and moderate hemoglobin groups on academic achievement. The study revealed a positive correlation between hemoglobin and academic achievement and Psychological well-being and academic achievement. Moderate hemoglobin level creates more satisfaction, better sociability, good mental health and more academic achievement in female students. It has been supposed that hemoglobin plays a significant role in Psychological wellbeing and academic achievement of college female students. This study is useful for educational management, counselors, parents, and students as well for the development of student’s personality and Psychological health. These research findings will raise the public awareness about physical and mental health among people and society in Saudi Arabia.
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