Selection Expressions for Procedural Modeling

We introduce a new approach for procedural modeling. Our main idea is to select shapes using selection-expressions instead of simple string matching used in current state-of-the-art grammars like CGA shape and CGA++. A selection-expression specifies how to select a potentially complex subset of shapes from a shape hierarchy, e.g. "select all tall windows in the second floor of the main building facade". This new way of modeling enables us to express modeling ideas in their global context rather than traditional rules that operate only locally. To facilitate selection-based procedural modeling we introduce the procedural modeling language SELEX. An important implication of our work is that enforcing important constraints, such as alignment and same size constraints can be done by construction. Therefore, our procedural descriptions can generate facade and building variations without violating alignment and sizing constraints that plague the current state of the art. While the procedural modeling of architecture is our main application domain, we also demonstrate that our approach nicely extends to other man-made objects.
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