Implementación del aprendizaje basado en proyectos a través de la tecnología BIM = Implementing Project-Based Learning through BIM Technology

Debido a las exigencias del panorama profesional actual, surge la necesidad de desarrollar competencias transversales durante la etapa universitaria que faciliten su insercion laboral. Una metodologia docente que resulta adecuada en las ingenierias es el aprendizaje basado en proyectos. Implementarlo a traves de la metodologia BIM reforzara la adquisicion de estas competencias transversales a los estudiantes. Este trabajo muestra el marco de trabajo desarrollado para implementar el aprendizaje basado en proyectos a traves de la tecnologia BIM en ambientes educativos de ingenieria de proyectos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto una mejor comprension del proyecto por parte de los alumnos que deriva en una mejora cualitativa de las soluciones tecnicas proyectadas. Abstract The engagement of engineers from various specialties is demanded by construction projects to ensure their success. Its main consequence is the need to create collaborative working environment. Consequently, one of the most demanded competence in professional activity nowadays is the ability to carry out projects in multidisciplinary teams. Project-based learning is a suitable tool for improving this skill in construction projects engineering students. This paper focuses on showing the framework developed for implementing project-based learning through Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology in engineering construction education environments. A collaborative framework managed by BIM execution plan was established. This document assigns roles and tasks for each member of the team, who work on the same digital file hosted in a cloud. Furthermore, it establishes the characteristics and timing of project’s deliverables. The results show a qualitative enhancement in the quality of the work developed by the students with respect to 2D technology previously implemented. Keeping track of their partner’s work improves coordination to design compatible solutions. So, a better coordination among engineers is the reason of this improvement. This methodology aids to develop transversal competences of engineering students by favouring their performance in multidisciplinary teams.
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