Studies on the Gonadosomatic Index and fecundity of Cyprinus carpio from Indus River near Jamshoro. Sindh, Pakistan

Present investigation was performed on some aspects of reproductive biology of Cyprinus carpio. 190 specimen’s (33.02 - 48.82 cm and 486.6 - 1947g) were collected from River Indus, Jamshoro during months of January to May 2016 and dissected. The condition of the gonad and sex of each fish was enumerated, the dissected gonads were weighed by using digital balance. It was observed from results of ova diameter measurement that all ova were found to be spherical and uniform in diameter, this indicated that the eggs were released in a single batch during the peak period of spawning (February). Values of Gonadosomatic Index was observed highest (2.97 and 5.27) in male and female respectively in the month of February. Monthly ova diameter measurement showed progressive increase from January to March (1.12 mm) peak in February. The fecundity was estimated from 10 mature fish highest was 390600 eggs 48.8 cm and 1947g at gonad weight of 510 g and lowest was 18280 from a length 33.0 cm and 486.6 g in weight and gonad weight of 53.1 g were recorded and possessing strong relationship with gonad weight. Equation of Length-weight analysis showed ideal growth very near to (3) in all cases and coefficient of condition (Kn) indicated that all samples of both sexes Cyprinus carpio found with satisfactory growth from Indus River, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. It was concluded that Cyprinus carpio breeds once in year with peak in February. As indicated form both GSI and ova diameters. The fecundity bears linear relationship with body weight in case of Cyprinus carpio from Indus River, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
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