Kandidaters møde med arbejdsmarkedet

I denne artikel undersoges det hvordan fysikkandidater oplever modet med arbejdsmarkedet, og hvilke udfordringer de oplever. Artiklen bygger pa en sporgeskemaundersogelse blandt nyuddannede kandidater i fysik fra Niels Bohr Institutet ved Kobenhavns Universitet. Resultaterne af denne undersogelse giver anledning til at diskutere universitetskandidaters employabilitet og universitetsuddannelsernes rolle i at ruste de studerende til arbejdsmarkedet. This article investigates the experiences of physics graduates in their encountrer with the labour market, and the challenges they experience. The article is based on a questionnaire survey, conducted among newly graduated graduates in physics from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. The results of this survey raise questions about the employability of university graduates, and the role of the universities in preparing and equipping students to the labour market.
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