Chondroitin sulfate isolated from the secretion of the venom-producing parotoid gland of Brazilian bufonid

Abstract The parotoid gland of bufonids is characterized as a specialized integument region, formed by different gland types. The secretion elaborated by the largest glandular alveoli has been related to animal chemical defense and is constituted by granular protein content, associated with a basophilic and alcianophilic material with features of glycoconjugates. This study aimed to identify and characterize the glycoconjugates in the secretion of the largest granular gland of the parotoid gland of Rinella icterica by histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques at light microscopy, biochemical methods, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Our results showed that the glycoconjugate content contains a mixture of chondroitin‑6‑sulfate (C6S) and chondroitin-non-sulfate (C0S). Thus, chondroitin sulfate probably plays an important role in gland physiology, probably protecting the protein content while inside the secretory portion.
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