A study of low-energy guest phonon modes in clathrate-II NaxSi136 (x = 3, 23, and 24)

Single-crystal x-ray diffraction from clathrate-II Nax Si136 (x = 24) prepared by a new technique reveals the exceptionally large Na@Si28 atomic displacement parameter (Ueq )i s strongly temperature dependent, and can be attributed to low-energy rattling modes associated with the Na guest. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectra collected from Nax Si136 powder specimens (x = 3, 23) confirm the presence of low-energy guest-derived phonon modes for Na@Si28 and Na@Si20. The lower energy Na@Si28 rattler mode falls in the frequency range of the silicon host acoustic phonons, indicating the possibility for interaction with these phonons. The presence of these low-energy modes combined with the ability to controllably vary the guest content presents a unique opportunity for exploring the influence of guest-framework interactions on the lattice dynamics in intermetallic clathrates.
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