The control of bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypifolia) monocultures - properties of a bellyache bush burn.

This paper presents work being carried out on the weed bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypifolia) in Northern Australia looking at the feasibility of burning as a control method on bellyache bush monocultures, when bellyache bush comprises the available fuel. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of East Timorese control methods (non chemical and non-biological) at sites in northern Australia, and how these might be applied in East Timor. We found bellyache bush monocultures can support a substantial management fire. Burning kills all individuals, but may promote increased establishment of seedlings with subsequent rain. We found that cutting can kill established plants, but it is not completely effective. Mulching kills approximately half the population of small plants and seedlings. We recommend an integrated approach to control methodology that may include burning at a suitable time in the annual wet-dry cycle.
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