Single-shot speckle tracking method based on wavelet transform and multi-resolution analysis

Speckle tracking method has been widely used for X-ray wavefront measurement and in-situ metrology because of its high resolution and flexibility. However, the current data analysis process costs a long time and sometimes requires a high-performance workstation. In order to improve the wavefront measurement performance and efficiency, a new advanced data processing algorithm was developed at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). The new algorithm was compared with other autocorrelation based speckle tracking methods using experimental data taken at the APS 1-BM beamline, and the data processing time was reduced from hour-level to several mininutes for a speckle tracking dataset. Results indicate that the algorithm can achieve both high data processing speed and high phase resolution using a regular laptop. The new algorithm is being implemented to the wavepy program [1] for X-ray wavefront sensing and in-situ metrology at the APS.
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