Put Away Your Phone and Learn! How technology engages or disengages students and… When it is good that your students are confused

for DBER Group Discussion on 2016-04-21 Authors and Affiliations: Douglas Duncan Director of Fiske Planetarium and Senior Instructor Department of Astrophysics and Planetary Science University of Colorado Boulder Title Put Away Your Phone and Learn! How technology engages or disengages students and... When it is good that your students are confused Abstract Some technology increases student learning, some decreases it. I will show evidence of both and discuss what makes the difference. Approximately 70% of college students now text during class, and no faculty member we studied saw even as much as half of the texting that occurred. Is there any viable way to stop this? What should instructors do about the use of laptops in class?Some technology increases student learning, some decreases it. I will show evidence of both and discuss what makes the difference. Approximately 70% of college students now text during class, and no faculty member we studied saw even as much as half of the texting that occurred. Is there any viable way to stop this? What should instructors do about the use of laptops in class? The second part of the talk will address the uses of confusion, presenting interesting data showing the type of confusion that leads to increased student learning. Part of the discussion will be how demos – beloved by chemistry, physics, and other science teachers – have minimal effect on student learning.
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