Decisión, totalidad y resto. Apuntes sobre la teología política de Carl Schmitt

espanolEste ensayo propone una discusion de los fundamentos de la teologia politica de Carl Schmitt a partir de la articulacion de los conceptos de decision, excepcion y soberania que configuran la definicion de esta ultima. El punto principal de la discusion, que intenta dar cuenta de la estructura general del argumento schmittiano, recae en la ide de que la norma y su normatividad no pueden fundamentar totalmente, es decir, “sin resto” (restloss) la decision acerca de la efectiva eventualidad de un caso de excepcion. La cuestion del resto −y el esbozo de una “logica del resto”− en cuanto lo extra-legal permitiria reconocer la complejidad del circulo performativo y auto-fundante de la decision soberana, produce dos “restos”. Uno que seria la decision soberana misma, al tiempo activamente dentro y fuera del orden legal, y otro que seria aquello que es lo exceptuado por la excepcion, pasivamente incluido y excluido a la vez de dicho orden. EnglishThis essay proposes a discussion of the foundations of Carl Schmitt's political theology based on the articulation of the concepts of decision, exception and sovereignty that make up the definition of the latter. The main point of the discussion, which tries to give an account of the general structure of the Schmittian argument, it is based on the idea that the norm and its normativity cant not completely ground, that is, "without rest" (restloss), the decision about the possibility of an exceptional case. The question of the rest − and the outline of a "logic of the rest" −insofar as the extra-legal would allow to recognize the complexity of the performative and self-founding circle of the sovereign decision, produces two "remains". One that would be the sovereign decision same, at time actively inside and outside the legal order, and another that would be that which is excepted by the exception, passively included and excluded at the same time from of that order.
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