Female. Length of body 4.5-5.0 mm (abdomen swollen), wing 0.7-1.4 mm. General color blackish with a greenish tinge, most of body pruinose, cerci strongly shining; an­ tennae, legs (including extensive parts of the coxae), scutellar area, mesonotal pleura, and parts of the tip of abdomen pale brownish; wings and halteres smoky gray. Head of about normal size; eyes smaller than normally in Telmatogeton and with fewer ocelli, widely separated. Antennae 5-segmented, short, of about length of head, segment 1 slightly longer than broad, its diameter about 2 X that of flagellar segments, with several black short setae; segment 2 is 2 X as long as broad, strongly constricted in middle, with­ out setae; 3 and 4 subspherical, without setae; segment 5 nearly 2 x as long as broad, with 1 or 2 short setae. Palpi consisting of only 1 small subspherical segment, in some specimens with 1 seta. Paraglossae small, with several short setae distally. Clypeus most­ ly with 2 pairs of setae, vertex with 3-5 setae. Entire thoracic region strongly modified in connection with reduction of flight muscles and enlargement of ovaries, which extend from abdomen into mesothorax where they fill up most of cavity. The most marked peculiarity is perhaps the loss of practically the whole zone between the wing base and the bases of the coxae, meaning that the pleurotrochantins of the mid coxae end quite near to wing base and area of halteres and metathora­ cic spiracles in close contact with hind coxae; thus mesothoracic epimeron and meron and metathoracic episternum strongly reduced and dorsoventrally compressed. Frontad of
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