A Review of Navy Survey Data Relevant to Implementation and Evaluation of the Human Performance Feedback and Development Model

Abstract : People are an indispensable element in mission accomplishment. Consequently, the Navy has begun to underscore the notion that a Sailor's career is a lifelong learning continuum. This strategy aims toward producing motivated and well trained Sailors who possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities to do their jobs. Initiatives such as Task Force EXCEL (Task Force for Excellence through Commitment to Education and Learning) and Sea Warrior have already begun to operationalize this strategy. The Task Force Excel Performance Vector Research Team (PVRT) recently completed development of new performance management and appraisal systems for all supervisory and non-supervisory personnel in the U. S. Navy. The new "counseling" component is known as the Human Performance Feedback and Development (HPFD) model. The performance appraisal component utilizes the behaviors identified in the HPFD model, and consists of one form for supervisory-level personnel and a separate form for non-supervisory-level personnel.
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