Defexts: a curated dataset of reproducible real-world bugs for modern JVM languages.

Software engineering studies, such as bug detection, localization, repair, and prediction, often require benchmark bug datasets for their experiments. Few publicly available reproducible bug datasets exist for research consumption. Such datasets which publicly exist tend to be applicable exclusively towards the most popular traditional programming languages (e.g., Defects4J for Java and CoreBench for C). Thus, the creation and widespread usage of bug datasets for other popular modern JVM (Java Virtual Machine) programming languages serve to provide vital resources for software engineering research. This paper introduces Defexts, a family of bug datasets currently containing child datasets for Kotlin (DefextsKotlin) and Groovy (DefextsGroovy). Each dataset contains reproducible real-world bugs and their corresponding patches scraped from real-world projects. Our introductory versions of DefextsKotlin and DefextsGroovy include 225 Kotlin and 302 Groovy bugs and patches. As development of Defexts continues, we aim to include other JVM languages, notably Scala. A video demonstration of Defexts is located at following link:
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