Pyhsio chemical and quality charactersitiscs of optimized cookies developed using pearl millet and freeze dried banana flour

Millets are one of the oldest foods known that has recently gained popularity as a delicious and nutritious grain due to its nutritious benefits. Pearl millet contains high amount of iron (8mg/100g) and Zinc (3.1mg/100g) that help to increase the hemoglobin levels. Green banana has high nutritional value representing a good source of resistant starch, dietary fiber, vitaminB6, vitamin c, potassium, phosphorous and manganese and also promote regeneration of red blood cells. Cookies are most significant bakery product in the world and are an important snack liked by children. Thus, for the health conscious genera a study was undertaken with an objective to develop pearl millet cookies with incorporation of freeze dried ripe green banana flour and to analyze its physiochemical and quality characteristics. Using RSM the cookies were optimized. The physical properties diameter, thickness were assessed by AACC (1955) and the spread ratio according to (Shrestha, 2002). The nutrients and microbial content were assessed using standard procedures. The diameter and the thickness of optimized cookies were higher when compared to control. The spread ratio decreased with addition of banana flour. The mean value of energy in optimized cookies increased to 488.3 kcal/100g, protein 9.2 percent, fat 20.6 percent, crude fiber 2.72 percent, vitamin C 5.50mg, and iron 8.4 mg. Cookies stored in room temperature was fit for consumption till 7th day, of preparation and till 15 days at cold storage. Owing to the high retention of nutrient in freeze dried banana flour and pearl millet, the development of product may be used for sports personnel in order to increase the physical strength and endurance.
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