Indices y repuestas glucémicas e insulínicas de mezclas de arroz con leguminosas (moros

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the ability of a given food to raise blood glucose, compared to another food that serves as a reference. In three groups of ten university students (5 men and 5 women per group), aged 17-22 years, apparently healthy, with a body mass index between 19-24 kg / m2, the glycemic and insulin response of three was assessed. mixtures of rice with legumes or Moors (one per group): red kidney beans (MHR), black beans (MHN), and green pigeon peas (MGV) and were compared with white bread responses. The carbohydrate content of the Moors and bread was 50g. The average glycemic values, fasting and at 60 min. post prandial in each moro were the following: MHR (82 ± 11 mg / dl and 91 ± 18 mg / dl), MHN (59 ± 7 mg / dl and 69 ± 12 mg / 12) and MGV (75 ± 13mg / dl) ). At 120 min., The MHR caused a drop in blood glucose below the baseline value (82 ± 1 l mg / dl vs.75 ± 10 mg / dl); In the case of MGV, glucose levels tended to continue increasing (75 ± 13 mg / dl vs. 86 ± 6 mg / dl), while in MHN, glycemia remained the same as at 60 min. (69 ± ..8 mg / dl). The average glycemic response of white bread was 83 mg / dl at 60 min. and 81 mg / dl at 120 min. The glycemic indices (GI) were variable and had a great dispersion in each one of the moros: MHR = 131 ± .160%, MHN = 75 ± 54% and in the MGV it was 163 ± 65%. The insulin indices (11) found were: 25 ± 21% in MHR, 16 ± 7% in MHN and 20 ± 2% in MGV. The bread caused a greater insulin secretion: basal (11 .53μUl / ml), at 60 min (51.12μUI / ml) and at 120 min (29.75μUI / ml), despite the fact that the glycemia remained within the reference range , in its three measurements. The lowest values of IG and I1 corresponded to the black bean moro. In conclusion: the consumption of 50 g of carbohydrates in the form of moro of legumes (red beans, black beans and green pigeon peas), is associated with glycemic values within the reference range (65-1 IOmg / dl) at 60 min and 120 min post-prandiales. The white bread caused a greater insulin secretion than the moros de legu minosas. The black bean mousse had the lowest values of IG and ll. The results of the present study should be considered as preliminary, and to reach definitive conclusions, new investigations are required.
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