Emergence of Novel Pathogenic Streptomyces Species by Site-Specific Accretion and cis-Mobilization of Pathogenicity Islands

The main pathogenicity factor of Streptomyces species associated with the potato common scab disease is a nitrated diketopiperazine called thaxtomin A (ThxA). In Streptomyces scabiei (syn. S. scabies), which is thought to be the most ancient pathogenic Streptomyces species, the ThxA biosynthetic cluster is located within a mobile genomic island called the toxicogenic region (TR). Three attachment (att) sites further separate TR into two subregions (TR1 and TR2). TR1 contains the ThxA biosynthetic cluster and is conserved among several pathogenic Streptomyces species. However, TR2, an integrative and conjugative element, is missing in most pathogenic species. In our previous study, we demonstrated the mobilization of the whole TR element or TR2 alone between S. scabiei and nonpathogenic Streptomyces species. TR1 alone did not mobilize in these experiments. These data suggest that TR2 is required for the mobilization of TR1. Here, we show that TR2 can self mobilize to pathogenic Streptomyces species harbori...
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