Avaliação da vigilância entomo-epidemiológica no programa de controle da dengue no município de Cuiabá – MT

A dengue pela sua capacidade de producao de epidemias de vulto nas grandes cidades e regioes metropolitanas e de vital interesse para os setores da saude publica. Desde 2002, existe uma variacao anual nos casos notificados no estado, especialmente no municipio de Cuiaba, com sucessivas epidemias. Em 2009, observou-se um crescimento exacerbado dos casos notificados, principalmente dos casos graves e na faixa etaria dos menores de 15 anos. O objetivo desse estudo e avaliar o grau implantacao do programa de controle da dengue a partir do componente tecnico vigilância entomo-epidemiologica (VEE), considerando a estrutura, processo e influencia dos contextos externo, politico e organizacional, no municipio de Cuiaba. O trabalho se inicia com a contextualizacao da dengue e da implantacao do programa. O estudo discorre tambem sobre os aspectos socio-economicos e ambientais urbanos relacionados ao ciclo de transmissao da dengue e os varios conceitos e abordagens da VE da dengue e da avaliacao existentes, utilizadas no presente trabalho. A descricao da intervencao foi realizada a partir da construcao de um modelo logico (ML), que permitiu apresentar a racionalidade existente entre os componentes da intervencao: insumos, atividades, produtos, resultados e impacto. A partir do ML da intervencao, foi desenvolvido o modelo teorico da avaliacao e as matrizes de informacao, de analise e julgamento, com as dimensoes e sub-dimensoes, alem dos indicadores, criterios e as pontuacoes, que objetivaram o estabelecimento dos parâmetros para avaliacao... The dengue fever for its capacity for producing important epidemics in the large cities and metropolitan areas is of a vital concern for the sectors of public health. Since 2002, there has been an annual variation in the cases reported in the state, mainly in the municipality of Cuiaba, with recurrent epidemics. In 2009, a marked increase of the reported cases was observed, especially of the severe cases and in the age group of children with less than fifteen years. The aim of the study is to evaluate the level of implantation of the dengue control program from the entomo-epidemiological surveillance technical component (EES), taking into account the structure, process and influence of the external, political and organizational contexts in the municipality of Cuiaba. The work begins with the contextualization of dengue fever and the implantation of the program. The study is also about the urban socio-economic and environmental aspects related to the cycle of dengue fever transmission and the several concepts and approaches of the VE of dengue fever and the existent evaluation used in this study. The description of the intervention was carried out from the construction of a logical model (ML), that allowed to present the rationality existent among the components of the intervention: inputs, activities, products, results and impact. From the LM model of intervention, the theoretical evaluation model and the matrices of information of analysis and judgment with the dimensions and sub-dimensions were developed, besides the indicators, criteria and the scores that were responsible for the setting of the parameters for evaluation. The methodological approach that is adopted is that of the evaluative research, of a normative and formative kind, using qualitative and quantitative methods...
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